
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

This time last year, I sat down to write a newsletter and had a giant hole on page two. I didn’t know what to write. At the same time, I had some pretty big concerns pressing on me: moving and the possibility of buying a car. I wanted to share those things with y’all so you’d be praying with me. And then there were some dreams, like playing softball, singing in the choir again, and returning to India.

By August, God had answered every single one in His perfect timing (and unpredictable ways). At the end of this post, I said, “Guess it’s time to start dreaming for 2016”. 

So, I did. I spent a good part of the end of last year praying about 2016. Dreaming, but asking God to show me what He was doing, where He was at work, and to lead my dreams. Honestly, it’s hard putting my heart out here on a blog or a newsletter, but it’s something I feel God is asking me to do.

So, here’s what I’m praying about in 2016:

1. Cuba – this has been a dream for a while. When it opened up December 2014, I began to pray for the opportunity to go. So I asked God if March was it, and He made a way for it to happen. I leave on March 25 and am SO EXCITED!!! Actually, excited is an understatement.

Especially once I figured out that I’ll be spending Easter there. So, no choir for me this year, but it’s for a good reason!

Will you pray for my team while we’re there? I won’t have access to internet, but will post stories and pictures as soon as I get back!


2. Israel – I’ve been wrestling over putting this in here, because at this point, it just seems too big. And it’s not even for this year. But I’ve dreamed of going to Israel ever since I was a little girl. The question, “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?”… I know the answer. And, I don’t mean this to sound wrong, but I don’t want it to be a mission trip. I want to go on one of those trips where you go where something awesome happened in the Bible and read it there and explore. I feel so strongly about it that I refuse to google pictures or anything. I want to stand in front of Calvary for myself; to run my fingers over the entrance of the Garden Tomb. 

I’ve kept this dream buried for a long time because it was too big, too expensive, too… I don’t know. I felt like dreaming it was wrong because how could I go on a tour/trip like as a vacation? But last December, it came back up in a way that I couldn’t avoid. So I’m hoping to go in 2017. I found an affordable tour I can use next year’s tax refund to cover, and then use air miles for the flight. And I have people who want to go with me. Now it’s just seeing how God leads us in it.

Our CEO, Seth Barnes, talks about the importance of spiritual journeys, even pilgrimages. For me, this is a big one. I’ll be 33 next year, and I’ve asked God to let that be the year I walk the same streets His Son physically did. So, there’s that. Literally… a dream.


3. Peace in my body. Most of you know I struggle with stomach issues. And frankly, I’m so tired of them. My official diagnosis is IBS, which the doctor told me at 21, “It won’t kill you, but you’ll wish it did.” Lovely. It got better three years ago, and then last year, got worse again. 

So I started the year determined to figure out what my problem is. And I found a big reason: Coca-Cola. It’s been so hard, but I’ve reduced the amount of Coke I drink to 1-2 times a week (and y’all know I LOVE Coke!). But I feel so much better. So, step 1… successful!

(from Amazon Jungle 2007, when my co-leader miraculously found Coke and surprised me with it. #bestdayever)

Then… February. In trying to responsibly “adult”, I went to a dermatologist at the beginning of February. They sliced a spot off my nose and sent it to a lab. People asked if I was nervous, and I said, “Not the results – just the lab bill.” Joke’s on me… the lab bill was covered by my insurance, but the results came back as skin cancer. I’m writing this right now on Tuesday, and my surgery is tomorrow morning. 

As far as cancer goes, it’s puny. I feel guilty calling it “cancer”, because I’ve known so many people who’ve battled something really huge and horrible. This is localized (will not spread), and is extremely slow growing. I have to get this surgery (called “Mohs surgery), because it needs to be removed. But once they take it, that’s it. My surgeon said this is a result of sun damage from my teens (which is a relief, because I’ve been so careful these past few years, using a lot of sunscreen. I was not careful in my teens, however).

I guess I can’t have peace in my body if there’s cancer in it. But at the moment, I just want to get all of this behind me. 

 **So, it’s now Friday, and my surgery was 2 days ago. I’m thankful they got it all on the first try and now it really is behind me; thankful for how God provided everything I needed in this situation. Now I just need to heal (currently still have stitches and a bandage) because I’m going to Cuba in 2 weeks! AHH!


4. Softball – My co-coach, friend, and co-worker, Brandy and I are putting a spring team together. Our games will be mid-May through mid-July. I’m so excited that we get to do this again! My prayer is that it’s also a ministry, that we can be a team that has fun and represents Christ (but I want to win too!). 


5. Thailand – I mentioned this in my last post, that when Connie told me about her plan to have a reunion trip to Thailand in May, I began praying about going. I really missed it last year. I missed the people, and when a friend with our host ministry, Rahab, died last summer, it was difficult to know it would be almost a year before I could return. 

*Photo from 2014

I’m so thankful I get to return this year! Right now I still need to fundraise $2500 towards this trip to cover both ground costs and flight there, in addition to my monthly fundraising goal.

Will you pray about giving towards this trip?


To give financially, you can click “Donate” here or on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:


Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570


Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.  


Thank you!!!