
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey, Everyone! How’s 2016 going?

So, I have some exciting news! Many of you have asked about where I’m going in 2016. I’ve been praying and dreaming, planning, and praying some more. And now that I have an idea, I wanted to let you know as soon as I did!

First up is CUBA (March 25 – April 2)!

To say I’m excited is an understatement. Adventures has been going to Cuba for years, but just in the last year we’ve been able to advertise and take more trips there. I’ve wanted to go for a while and have been waiting for the right time. And this is it! 

*photo by Colby Gardner

All of us on the team (there are several Adventures staff going) are really excited. We’ll be there over Easter, which makes it even more awesome. We’ll be partnering with local churches, serving however we can—sports ministry, construction/farming, teaching/Bible studies, home visits, VBS, and encouraging the church. After seeing pictures and hearing stories of trips for the past year, I’m almost bouncing out of my skin. I can’t believe it’s real! I’m going to Cuba!

Also, the leader, Colby, is leading a trip there in April and is looking for a few more people to join the team. If you’re interested or want to learn more about what I’ll be doing, click here


Then… Thailand (May 18-31)!

Oh, how I’ve missed Thailand! After 7 trips there (8 teams!), last year was the first year I haven’t been there since 2011. I miss everyone there. Connie has continued to lead trips there and it’s been awesome to hear the stories, but it’s not the same as returning to “my hood”.

Last summer a friend at our host ministry, Rahab, died unexpectedly of a heart attack. It was hard to see them mourn her from afar. At that point, Connie started talking about a reunion trip of all the teams who have gone. 

I knew that was the one I needed to be a part of, and I am allowed one personal, fundraised missions trip a year. So I asked if Thailand would be my fundraised trip for 2016. And I just got permission, so it’s official! WOOHHOO!

This trip will be like all of the others to Thailand. We’ll be doing ministry in the Red Light District at night, and throughout Bangkok during the day. To read stories of what God did on past trips there, click here!


Trip Leading: DR and Ecuador

Finally, I will lead 2 trips this summer, a youth group trip to the DR June 19-25 and an adult trip to Ecuador July 10-16! I’m pretty excited about these opportunities to lead again and to serve God and our ministry contacts in these places. However, right now both of these teams need people to join!

Will you pray that God will lead the exact people to both of these trips, and start moving them to pray for Him to be glorified on these trips?

And what about you? Do you want to go?

*Photos from DR 2011, the one of me is by Connie Rock

The DR is a youth group trip June 19-25, (any youth groups want to go? Click HERE!), but Ecuador is an adult short term mission trip. Which means, anyone over 18 can go!

How about you? Do you want to go on a mission trip to Ecuador July 10-16? We’ll partner with a ministry with over 40 church plants throughout the country, and we’ll do everything from kids ministry to work projects at a home for pregnant teens to community outreach. Wanna go? Click HERE

I just wanted to throw that out there, because it would be so cool to be able to do a trip with you!


Fundraising for 2016 trips:

My expenses are covered for any trips I lead and I’m paying for Cuba using my tax refund (last week I purchased a round trip ticket to Miami for $36! Talk about a miracle!). Which just leaves the fundraised trip to Thailand.

In all, I need to raise approximately $3000, to cover both ground costs and flight there, in addition to my monthly fundraising goal.

Will you pray about giving towards this trip?


To give financially, you can click “Donate” here or on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:


Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570


Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.  

Thank you SO MUCH!