
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I mentioned it here two weeks ago and also in my spring newsletter. If we’ve spoken in the past few weeks, I’ve probably processed it out loud too:

I’m moving out of my home for the past 5 years, and just found out that the home I am moving into is going up for sale. 

There was no doubt in my mind the move was supposed to happen. Mostly because I could not wait to live with my new roommates (and now, having lived with them for 4-ish days, can say that they are incredible… along with their cat, who has so taken to me that they’ve called me, “Dr. Doolittle”). We weren’t worried about the whole we-need-to-find-another-place-to-live thing, but it was on our minds. And would have been quite preferable for me to only move once (but moving twice is fine too. Funny, even). 

It seems that Dawsonville/Dahlonega/Murrayville is a hoppin’ place. At least according to rental websites where NOTHING is available. 

My move to the “Treehouse” went well… I started packing on Saturday and every day loaded my car up and on the way home from work, stopped there to unload, then back home to pack and re-load the car. Thursday my parents (thank you, Mom and Dad!) came up and helped me move my furniture. We were done by 1pm…it was “easy”, save for the exhaustion.

But I guess I should back up to the day before I moved, Wednesday, when my roommates toured a house with me on Facetime. And we fell in love. Ideal location. Ideal size. Fair price. And the nature. Oh, the nature. Trees to hang hammocks, a screened in porch, and a trail down to a cove and supposedly abandoned dock on the lake. I went down one day and felt such an incredible peace there. 

*We’re calling it Rosewood-Cottage-on-the-lake

The details and logistics have been many, but the result is that we are moving in this coming Wednesday, (May 6), a mere week after they toured the house and 6 days after I moved into theirs. They started packing the night I moved in. We’re all so insanely excited that in-and-about details of packing we say things like, “I can’t believe we get to live there!” and “I can’t talk about it yet. It’s so amazing I’m overwhelmed!” 

So, God answered my request for #1 of the 5 Things I’m Praying about in 2015 over and beyond what I hoped for. On Wednesday I will be amidst boxes in my new home. Finally able to unpack. (Praise God!) Would appreciate prayers (again) for great weather and a good moving day. And for the transition to go well, as we’ll be setting up a new home. Oh, and for rest, because that means I’m moving 2x in less than a week. 

Thank you to everyone who has been praying with me and for me! Thank you for praying about my new home (and all the other requests as well… I’ll give an update on those in the future, but I wanted this one to be completely about how God answered this need)! Thank you for your encouragement and support! I am so thankful for each of you!

*from the abandoned dock, the place we named “Sunset Pointe” (with an e) 


P.S. If you’d like my new address, please message me and I’ll email it to you!