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Thoughts & Inspiration

I have some exciting things to share with you… recent changes in my life, opportunities coming up, prayer requests, etc. As this year starts off and I look ahead, I can’t wait! And I am so excited to tell you about these things in a later post. 

But first, I need to ask you something.

Due the to economy, lost jobs, etc, my financial support has been falling ever since last summer. My roommate moved out in December… so I’m now paying more for my little apartment than I currently was. On top of monthly support (after taxes, I live off of $800/month, which includes rent, bills, food, gas, etc), I also need to raise money to pay for flights/ground costs for upcoming trips. I got discouraged the other day, wondering where it would come from. Then I realized something:
If everyone who receives this email gives $5 a month, my support needs would be met.
That’s the equivalent of a cup of coffee. Less than a #1 Combo at Chic-fil-a.
Will you support me financially? Will you pray about committing to $5 a month? Or even $10?

If so, please click the Support Me tab on the top left of this screen and go from there. You can set it up to auto-give every month, or just do a one time gift. Or you can send a check via snail mail to:

Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 534470,
Atlanta, GA. 30353-4470

Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.
I have one more request concerning support: Maybe you can’t give financially… but do you have any air miles you’d be willing to donate? The highest costs in missions are flights. I am a member of Delta Skymiles and American Airlines Advantage. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get with purchasing these tickets!
If you have miles you’d be willing to give me, here’s my information:
American Airlines: Kristen Torres-Toro, E4322K4
Delta Airlines: Kristen Gail Torres Toro, 2665424889

Whatever the response is to this post, I truly am thankful for each of you, most of all for my relationship with each of you. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for your encouragement! And thank you for your support, whether past, present, and/or future. I thank God for you!