
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey, Friends!
I wrote this post a week ago, but it’s taken a while to get it up. Sorry about the delay! Life has been full of working with the Ambassador program. It’s our busiest time of year and we have more students than ever applying for our trips–and more trips than ever before! We’ve had so many students interested and applying that the AMB program has a 5th staff member now, Traci, who works part time from her home in Kentucky. We’ve also added two new trips, one to Haiti and one to Cameroon (that’s in Africa)! 🙂
This coming weekend is our spring leader training for AMB leaders. Almost 50 adults will drive/fly to Ga and spend the weekend preparing for the summer. We are so excited about this weekend, about the leaders God has called to lead our trips this summer, and about the teams He is putting together.
And at the end of the month, I’m going to Bolivia! Don and Connie Rock, the Ambassador Director and Program Coordinators, will do set up for several AIM teams who are going to Bolivia this year, including the one we’re sending in July. My job is to do what I do best: missions and writing. I’m going to meet people, love on them, and tell them about Jesus, to observe Bolivia, learn about the culture, and bring it back to tell y’all, better help train the Bolvia team this summer, and write about what I experience there. Oh yes–and my “husband” (camera) is coming too. He’ll make sure to document the trip for you. :0)
Will you pray for me these next few weeks? Pray for strength and wisdom as we train leaders and speak with students. Pray for Don, Connie, and I as we prepare for the trip–and go!!! And will you pray about support as well? I need $1070 total (this includes flights, visa, food, transportation, and lodging). If you’d like to support me, just click the link to the left. To those of you who have sent in support for this trip, thank you so much!
Happy Spring!