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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey, Friends!

Just wanted to post a quick update.

Leader training went well! Thank you so much for praying! We had 35+ people here preparing to lead this summer. The group who came represented the 18 trips (to 16 countries) we’ve spent all year preparing for. Being able to see them in person, get to know them, and begin preparing them for the summer was such a blessing. Training is always busy and exhausting… but completely worth it!

I think the best part was seeing the leaders’ hearts for Jesus and for missions, hearing them talk about their teams and how they care for their participants already. It made me excited for this summer.

So, the trips are coming soon and there’s a lot to do! I cannot believe that April is almost over… wasn’t Christmas yesterday?

This week is doubly busy because I’m also preparing to go to Bolivia on Sunday with Don and Connie Rock, the Director and Program Coordinator of the Ambassador program ( I’m so excited, but there’s a lot of work to do in preparation. Please pray for us as we go-for safety in travel and good health. Pray my Spanish comes back quickly!

That’s all for now! I’ll be back with stories and pics from Bolivia after May 3! Yebo!