Before I leave for Thailand tomorrow, I wanted to leave you with one
last blog. Recent blogs have been difficult to share, this one…I take
great joy in. I want to brag on my parents. This is a recent letter sent
by Héctor Pivaral who is the director of the PEB program my parents
started in Guatemala. It actually started way before they moved there.
It was an idea they had in Bolivia. Years were spent pouring into the
Bible Training Center in a village called Conception. 


October of 2011 – by Hector.


With the
blessing of our All Powerful Lord, the life of the Bible Education Program
(PEB) began in 1997. In the town of Xalbal, Playa Grande, Gary and Nancy
Lengkeek, my beloved Patty and I, alongside a group of 12 students and their
wives, launched into the beginning of Bible courses that we designed for this
community. At the end of two years and a half, the students graduated with much
joy. Thanks to the Lord, PEB began in 1997 and has continued. Since then, we
have seen 10 different groups reach their graduation day. Giving glory to God,
on the 8th of October 2011, the group of PEB students from San Pablo
La Laguna, Sololá, received their diplomas. 11 men and three women received a bachelor’s
degree in Bible and Ministry, and four women also received recognition as
students of the Women’s PEB Program. The celebration was huge. It was notable
that each one of the graduates could appreciate that they were loved by many
people as more than 1,000 people filled the church where we celebrated the


This PEB group is a community of
men and women transformed by the Lord. I know this because with their lives and
teaching each of these leaders has impacted many people in their churches. We
saw trucks decorated with balloons. We saw how church leaders rushed to receive
their new pastors. We saw happy and emotional faces, and we perceived a
fragrance of thankfulness and adoration filling all that took place.


These moments of the closure of
this PEB filled me with much happiness because it has taken the offerings of
many brothers and sisters, their prayers, and even accompaniment for us to see
the fruition of this particular Project. May God bless you greatly, and may He
always cause you to prosper so that you can continue in your support and
continue seeing sheep transformed into disciples, and disciples into pastors. Also,
much joy is evident because our team SEPAL has participated to ensure that PEB
has functioned. It is precious to not be alone in the work. It is worthwhile to
mention the effort and special work that Sula, Marilee, and Beth have provided.
The most beautiful aspect for me, is to see my family, my beloved Patty and my
children, enjoying this mission that the Lord has given us.


From this group, there is no doubt
that many new stories about the servants of the Lord will arise. Over time we
will learn of these stories and will share them. At least three of these men
will begin new short term projects in the ministry, and others will disciple
many people, preparing them as new PEB students in the near future. With all of
our heart, we desire to push forward because we have seen that the work of the
Lord really is worthwhile. On the horizon, we see at least three new PEB
Programs. Approximately 8 men already our meeting in Panajachel, Sololá, and they
are establishing a group. At the end of November, we will be visiting the
church of Chisec, Alta Verapaz, and there is also a group ready in the region
of Nueva Tacana, San Marcos.


What can we say with all of our
heart in this moment? Praised is God, blessed forever and ever. Holy, Holy, Holy. Lifted up
are You by us all, your church. Thank You, Lord, because you make us worthy to
be your servants and allow us to enjoy what you do with so much love within our
rural churches in our country.


May the Lord bless you always and
thank you for all your love, your prayers and your support.


In Jesus Christ


Héctor Pivaral

Director of PEB program