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In my last post I promised an update on my new position at AIM. In the busyness of the last few weeks, time slipped past me before I could write about what I was doing. Please forgive me!

So, here’s part of what’s going on in my life:
There’s a new department at AIM called Long Term Missions, which focuses on sending out missionaries for 2+ years overseas. While we do have over 40 long term missionaries on the field, most of the people we send out are on short term trips.  This department is so new that literally everything has been created/written in the past few months. My new position within this department is the Field Development Administrative Assistant. In the future, my role will be on the Member Care side, helping with the day to day tasks of taking care of people on the field. This is very similar to the role I had in Field Support. I’ll also continue to lead trips and minister overseas as I have in the past.
However, because of the “new-ness” of this department (for a long time it consisted of one man, Gary Lengkeek, who did an incredible job of all the stuff we now do as a team–only he did it all by himself!), I’m currently doing a double role: the Member Care Admin stuff as well as Admin tasks for the Admissions side. Right now the needs of the Admissions side have a greater urgency, so the majority of what I’m currently doing is laying the groundwork for a successful Admissions process for long term missionaries–everything from creating/organizing a database to track each person and helping build the actual process.
Currently, we have missionaries in Cambodia, Thailand, China, Swaziland, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Philadelphia. Soon we will launch bases in Ireland, India, and other parts of the 10/40 window. Our goal is to send 2000 long term missionaries to over 20 countries by 2020. 
This role is a return to being an Administrative Assistant, which I really love doing. It’s fits my skills, strengths, and passion for ministry and I am thankful for it!
In addition to ministry stateside, I am also support staffing several trips this year. For those of you who receive my snail mail letter, the trips below are different than what was on the letter I sent in December (due to cancellations). The trips I’m support staffing are:
May 24-June 8, 2012 – Thailand
June 29-July 7, 2012 – Costa Rica
July 20-July 27, 2012 – Puerto Rico
August 6-18, 2012 – India
Fall 2012 (Dates not set) – Thailand
Thank you so much to those of you who responded to my last post, whether it was offering to donate air miles (or telling me that if you had any, you would!)
or giving a special gift. Thank you to those
who promised to pray for me, who encouraged me with their words. I am so
thankful for each of you! There is still more I need to raise in order to cover expenses for this year. Most pressing right now is $1500 for a flight to Thailand at the end of May, and the rest of my monthly expenses being met (approx. $200/month). I currently also work part time for Accounting at AIM, picking up an extra 15-20 hours a month for that department, in addition to my full time job. That has become a huge blessing, for it provides for the extra rent I now pay every month. God is good!
Something so wonderful to know– that God is good always, in the easy times and the difficult. He is good, and that’s that!
If you have been praying about it and would like to give a special gift or commit to a monthly gift, you can click “Support Me” on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:

Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 534470,
Atlanta, GA. 30353-4470


Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.


Thank you!

Stay tuned– more news to come!