Hey, Friends!
I have some cool news! I just found out this morning that my story, Sarafina, will appear in Chicken Soup’s Book of Miracles, due out September 21, 2010! AHHHHH!!!!!
Check it out on Amazon… you can see my name in the table of contents:
Many of you may not know the story of Sarafina. She is my Swazi gogo, who I met summer (winter there) 2006 in the mountains of Emkhuzweni, SD. She’d been lame for two years, hadn’t eaten in days, and she stole my heart. Over the next few months, God did some pretty cool things in her life. Here are some pictures from my time with her:
*the above 2 pics were taken the last day I saw her. We had a giant party and picked up Sarafina in our koombie. When we parked, I went to lower her to the ground so she could crawl. Instead, she stood, and with my help just to keep her balance, she walked over 50 feet in front of hundreds. What a story! Both of these pics were taken right after she sat down.
**taken the second time she walked. Each time she walked farther and stronger. Kacie and I were just there to keep her balance. She did all the work herself.**
Sarafina passed away summer of 2008. I asked a team to check on her when they went to Emkhuzweni, and they walked to her hut to find out from a neighbor that Sarafina died the week before. I firmly believe that I will see her again. I believe that even in her troubled mind, she understood the simple truth of the gospel: that God loves her and if she called on Him as Savior, she would be saved.