Thank you so much for your prayers! Thank you so much for your support! Thank you for your encouragement! Hopefully the blog series this week has given you a small idea of what I experienced and learned last week. Whenever I think about the trip, I say, “Thank you,” over and over to God.I Being able to go and see people I love, being able to support people overseas, being able to minister overseas again… it was so incredible.
Now for some fun pictures!
Notice in the picture above (to the right), where Connie is sneaking up behind him to take a picture.
He wears shoes!
See Kristen and Connie. See the elephant named Sambo. See Kristen and Connie ride the elephant! Btw… elephants are very smelly- and hairy. And after our, um, encounter, the elephant took a bathroom break. Apparently we made quite an “impact” on him.
Fried Tarantula! Yum! (For the record, I bit part of the leg OFF of the tarantula, chewed, and swallowed. There has been some discrepancy over the depth of my involvement over that issue. *Ahem*. Connie took the pic of me biting into it.
Some beautiful scenery…
Local scenes and a tuk tuk driver for at least 3 days. I couldn’t remember his name, so I called him “Tuk Tuk Friend”.
Monkey! And pretty flowers.
Below… In the Russian Market: old coins and pretty rings.
Artistic shots:
Park benches, flowers, and razor wire…
Child in park… and a beautiful monument at night.
Carved doors. Connie and Bella.
The monument up close… and statues in the Market.
Some of my favorite of Crock’s pics:
On the streets….
Dinner with Michael and Nimol Munson!
The two of us: Connie and Kristen, Pepsi and Coke.