
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Thank you to everyone who has expressed interest in Purchase Effect and for your encouragement! Since we’ve been back, we’ve had a show at Ben’s Flea Market in Gainesville, as well as home sales and internet sales. It’s time to mail off the first portion of the proceeds to India, Thailand, Guatemala, and Costa Rica–the whole reason why we do this! It’s exciting to see this keep building. I pray that God continues to bless it and lead us to customers/shows.
Things are going well at AIM as well. We’re preparing for our first training for the LTM missionaries, where they will be trained in pre-field information and support raising, so that they are closer to getting on the field. This is exciting, being that this department is so new and is now ready for its first training!
Connie is currently leading a trip in the Dominican Republic. The team just landed this afternoon and are excited about a week of ministry. You can read about it here.
Also, I wanted to write with a support update. Last month I shared that I still needed $200 in monthly commitments, as well as $1500 in special gifts specifically to pay for the flight to Thailand in May. 
To all of you who have responded with encouragement, prayers, and financial support, thank you so much! In the last month, I’ve received $80 for monthly gift commitments, meaning I only have $120 in monthly gifts to go until my monthly needs are met.
Also, I received $1000 in special gifts. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Unfortunately, in the week that passed between posting that blog and purchasing the Thailand flight (the wait was because we had to make sure the team was definitely going so that we didn’t purchase a flight for a trip that didn’t happen), the cost of the flight went up $500, thanks to rising gas prices. This means that in order for the trip to be covered, I still need $1000 by May 24, 2012.

If you have been praying about
and would like to give a special gift or commit to a monthly gift, you
can click “Support Me” on the top left of the screen for an online
donation, or send a check to:

Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 534470
Atlanta, GA. 30353-4470


Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.


Thank you!


Below are some final pictures of Guatemala:
 Blackberry smoothie from Cafe Condesa– my favorite!
 Inside a convent. We went down into the cellar and sang “I love You, Lord”… it echoed with the centuries and the angels…
One of the markets, in front and inside of a ruin, below a cross that overlooks Antigua (the cross depicted above is a different cross).
Some of my favorite of Connie’s photos:
 I love the little girl in white, holding her father’s hand.

(If you click on any of the pictures of Connie’s, it will also take you to her blog!)