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Thoughts & Inspiration

Hopefully these past few posts have given you a great picture of what God did in Costa Rica! It was incredible to be there and be a part of the team… I am so thankful!
Thank you for praying! Especially those of you who prayed about my lack of Spanish. While I still butcher the language horrifically (I like to say that I speak it just well enough to get myself in trouble!), I was able to understand a whole lot more than I usually do and even held entire (poorly phrased) conversations on my own! Even the Ticos said to me that my Spanish had greatly improved over the past year… and I know it was God who helped me communicate…. and also that everyone was being extremely gracious!
That “barely there” skill will come in handy July 20-27 in Puerto Rico! Connie is leading and I’ll be support staffing for a youth group from North Carolina. So I’d appreciate the continued prayers for my Spanish… I’m going to do everything I can to get better at speaking it.
Also, I’d appreciate prayers for driving. Usually on trips, our hosts or a hired driver takes us to ministry (unless it’s a location where we just walk everywhere and get a taxi when needed). In PR, however, we are renting 15 passenger vans… which will need a driver. And while PR is a US Territory, I also know that it is Latin America and traffic will be different there than it is here. So I’d really appreciate your prayers for wisdom and quick reflexes, as well as an inability to get lost… and safety from all accidents.
Finally, a support update- last month I said I’d let you know where my monthly support stood. While a few special gifts came in last month, the support level was at $935. With a goal of $1050 (this includes taxes), that’s still $115 a month that I need. Also, I’m still in need of the $1365 for the India flight on August 5. So I’d really appreciate any and all prayers for that as well!

If you have been praying about and would like to give a special gift or commit to a monthly gift, you can click "Support Me" on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:
Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 534470
Atlanta, GA. 30353-4470


Please make all checks out to AIM and write "Kristen Torres-Toro" in the Memo line.
Thank you, once again! I’ll leave you with a few more pictures. I hope that you have been encouraged these past few posts about the good, great, overwhelming love of Christ!

Some of my favorite of Crock's photos: