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The sun sets earlier now.

I’m sitting outside, waiting for the night to come. Listening to crickets and the wind above the whirring of a nearby air conditioner. Leaves are just beginning to change. My favorite so far are the bushes alongside the main highway in town that have turned a fire engine red. It’s a hint at what’s to come, as if the world is taking a deep breath, getting ready to redress the earth. I am excited.

Right now I too am taking a deep breath.

This summer was wonderful. Busy, definitely. We work all year at AIM for the summers, because the majority of people who go on trips go during that time of year. Long Term isn’t as seasonal, but even it was busier than the rest of the year. My work in Accounting is especially heavy during the summer. It was a great time of seeing God at work in the world, and being able to go out to Thailand/Cambodia and then to India was such a gift. Thank you so much for all you have done, for your support, your encouragement, and prayer.

Now, fall approaches, and just as the world takes a deep breath, so is AIM. We are entering our “slow season”, very welcomed after such a big summer. I returned from India in August to join the Accounting department. This was for several reasons: a) I have been working with Accounting part time for almost 2 years now b) I felt like God was leading me in that direction, and c) doing so allowed me to hand over my role in LTM in a time with natural transition and close it well. Before this move, I was working a 40 hour a week job in LTM, part time with Accounting (working nights/weekends), and volunteering outside of those two jobs with Purchase Effect. I was tired and I felt myself running out of steam. Deep within me I knew I couldn’t keep up that pace for much longer. When this opportunity came up, I was thankful. So now I have one job (not 2!) and continue to use time outside of work to helping build Purchase Effect. This has allowed me to slow down as well, personally… to take a deep breath. Like right now, enjoying this Autumn sunset before going in to work a few hours tonight.

Before I forget, one of the missionaries I worked with this year wrote a blog last week that blew me away. It was so good I had to share it. Sarah, her husband, and a teammate are just weeks away from starting their journey to long term (2 year) ministry in Cambodia.

Looking forward, I have some events coming up I’d like you to pray about:

October 7– I’ve been asked to speak at a chapel at my alma mater, Toccoa Falls College. Would you pray that God gives me the words (and not to forget them)?

October 31-Nov. 10– I’m support staffing a trip to Thailand! We’ll be returning to Bangkok and working with the ministries there. I’m so excited! But in order to go, I need financial support in addition to my monthly needs. I haven’t been able to raise it before now for this trip because it wasn’t given the “green light” to go until last week. Now everything is set. I need $1800 to cover the flight from ATL to Bangkok. Will you pray about contributing to this need? I have until November 10 to raise it.

To give financially, you can click “Support Me” on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:

Adventures in Missions, INC.
P.O. Box 742570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.