
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Stephanie, Meredith, Amarja, and
Elise are AIM’s “Cambodia Girls”- 4 women committed to living in Phnom
Penh for 2 years. For the 4 months that they’ve been there, they’ve dove into
language study as well as forming relationships with those in their
neighborhood, in the restaurants and shops they frequent, and in the ministries
they work in. They have become an active- and vital- part of the
anti-trafficking movement in Southeast Asia.

Connie Rock and I went to Cambodia to debrief and pour into
them, to hear their stories of how they became part of this team and what God’s
been teaching them since they arrived, how we can help/pray for them, and to
bring back any questions they have concerning logistical details like budgeting
and a possible long term AIM presence in Cambodia.

Connie and I were able to meet the girls the first day there, and we saw them almost every day during our visit. We were even
able to spend time with each of them separately, which was great. We saw
their home, ate many meals together, saw their everyday lives in their ministries,
and played together. The money you sent in for pampering them went towards bringing goodies from the States for them, meals (we were
able to cover more than one!), 1 hour full body massages for each girl, and
ministry/transportation expenses. Thank you so much for your generosity! It really blessed them- and us!

From the moment we met them, I felt as if I were just
catching up with old friends. These women are incredible! Each one is so
beautiful and her heart for the Lord… and for the people of Cambodia… is powerful. I was struck by their love and respect for each other (after 4
months- that’s a big deal!), as well as their maturity. I am so thankful to
call them friends and the fact that I know our relationship will last long after
my time there ends.The purpose of this trip wasn’t a “hi-nice to meet you thing”, it was forming a relationship that will last despite physical distance, so that we can support them from far away.

Here are pics of our time together, as well as prayer
requests for this team:

Prayer requests:

-For physical health.
Amarja is currently recuperating from dengue and now Elise has dengue as well.
Please pray that the other girls remain healthy and that Elise and Amarja will
get well soon!

-For greater language
These girls are studying and speak Khmer in their everyday lives!
Pray for comprehension as they speak to the Khmer people, even beyond their
studying efforts. Pray that people will come to know the Lord because they
heard the gospel in their language!

For continued team
unity, as well as personal growth:
It’s easy to get caught up in the “work”
of ministry and not spend as much intentional time with the Lord and with your
teammates. Please pray their relationships remain strong!

For their jobs: These
girls have awesome roles with local ministries/NGOs and have incredible
influence in the anti-trafficking movement. Please pray for wisdom for them!
 Elise, Meredith, and Amarja- Photo by Kristen Torres-Toro

 Stephanie and Elise with Bella and Anna Claire Mellon- Photo by Connie Rock

Me with Amarja- Photo by Connie Rock
 Connie and I with Amarja, Stephanie, and Meredith at a fancy restaurant.