
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who prayed and sent financial support for this India trip! It was so beautiful and the name of Jesus was shared throughout Delhi! Thank you SO MUCH!

So, just as the de-jet-lagging came to a close, I had another surprise… I was invited to join Marketing at Adventures!

What does this mean?

I get to write! As my job! I get to write about missions and Jesus… which is what I love doing most of all!

Am I still in Accounting?

Yes- part time. I still do the recons after 5 and on weekends, which I really enjoy doing! And I loved being a part of that team, so this is the best of both worlds!

I’ve been officially part of Marketing for two weeks and I LOVE it! The team of people I work with are so creative, so welcoming. And I have the freedom to be creative all day… and it doesn’t make me weird! 

What Will I Be Writing?

Anything and everything- whatever is assigned to me. From blogs to updates to newsletters to emails… and everything in between! Storytelling… with the intent of sharing what God is doing and inviting others to join us (in Marketing terms, that’s “Sales”).

As full time with Marketing and Part Time with Accounting, everything stays the same as far as support raising goes. My goal is still the same every month, as well as the need to raise additional funds for trips (more about this in the future). 

Will I Still Go Overseas?

Yes! I’ll be allowed to go out because that’s one way of getting the story- seeing and experiencing it firsthand! HOW COOL! In fact, an opportunity came up this week. If support can come in time, I will be going to Thailand and Cambodia October 25-Nov 9!

Hoorrayy!!!! So excited to return to those friends there, to see how the women who came to Christ in the Red Light District are doing, to talk with our vendor friends and seeing how God is at work in Rahab. And for Cambodia, God has been doing some incredible things there! We now have two long term missionaries there, a couple who I worked with when I was in Long Term Department. It’ll be so cool to see how they are doing. In addition, another dear friend/contact has recently adopted her 4th child… not to mention the incredible ministry Don, our tuk tuk driver, began as he witnessed to his friends/other drivers for our teams and they started coming to Christ! There are now about 10 men driving tuk tuks in Phnom Penh who love Jesus! How incredible!

In order to go, I need to raise approx. $3000. It depends on the flight cost (thankfully, it’s cheaper in the fall)… but ground cost is approx. $1500. Will you pray about supporting me? I need as much as possible to come in before Oct 1, so I can purchase my ticket. The final remainder will be due closer to the trip. 


To give financially, you can click “Support Me” on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:


Adventures in Missions, INC.

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570


Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.  

Thank you so much!


Finally, I’d just need a moment to brag on my 2-year-old nephew, Parker, who with his parents, completed 40+ hours of reading this summer (kudos to his parents… I’m sure 40+ hours of reading to a 2-year-old is its own adventure!). His name will be in the paper in November, and he got this backpack… which I am convinced proves that reading makes you a superhero (doesn’t it look like a cape? And don’t I have the cutest nephew in the whole world?). Way to go, Parker! Aunt Kristen is SO PROUD! Cannot wait to share stories for the rest of our lives!