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There's a song that's been going through my head recently. It's one we used to sing every Sunday night at Celebration, the praise and worship service my youth group held. It has a great beat, one of those uncontainable songs straight from the Bible…

When the Lord brought back the captive ones of Zion
we were like those who dreamed.
Our lives were filled with dancing;
Our tongues with joyful shouting.
They say among the nations
The Lord has done great things for them.

Looking back over 2012:
One of my tasks at the end of January was to gather statistics on the Long Term Department. It was cool to gather the numbers and places, put it all together… and look back over all God did last year. Ready?

In the past year, we've sent 8 long term missionaries (with a committment of 2+ years) to countries like Thailand, Ireland, Kenya, and Nicaragua.

We "opened" a new country (Ireland).

We continued to care for the 40+ missionaries currently on the field.

Looking Forward into 2013:
As of right now, we have 46 missionaries throughout the world– in Swaziland, Kenya, Cambodia, Thailand, Ireland, Nicaragua, Peru, the Dominican Republic, China, and in closed countries. These people are singles, married couples, families with children. These are men and women who work with refugees in Kenya; families who work at Carepoints in Swaziland, feeding young children what might be their only meal each day; a family who run a drug rehab center for teenagers in Nicaragua; young women who work with anti-trafficking in Southeast Asia, a young, church planting family with code names in China, Church disciplers and planters in the jungles and mountains of Peru and the Dominican Republic, run a drop-in center for youth in Ireland, and so much more.

As of today, we expect to send more than 18 missionaries to begin 2+ year committments in Ireland, Romania, Cambodia, Thailand, Nicaragua, Swaziland, and closed countries.

We plan to open fields in Romania and in North Africa.

When I look back over what God has done, what He is doing… I get excited. I posted this list of statistics by my desk so I can look at it every day. It's not about the numbers… other than that the more people willing to give up 2 (and more) years of their lives to live with those who do not know His name; those who are broken and desperately need to know they are loved… the more will hear. Sitting here right now, on this night, I'm excited for this time next year when I'm able to tell you how the year went down… to share some of the stories of what God did through those who were sent this year. The end of January marked a year for me being a part of this department, and it itself is barely a year old. What a beginning… and it's just the beginning!!!

And the Lord has done great things for us.
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Yes, we are filled with joy!


I will write soon with more information about this year and what's been going on with me, but I wanted to write and share the above with all of you, and let you know of the prayer request below:

Next week, Purchase Effect is taking its first official trip to Guatemala! There will be a team of 5 going. I am so excited! We leave next Thursday, February 28, and will return a week later on March 7. Please be praying for us as we go! We'll be going to the school for street kids (The Children Who Don't Exist) we visited last year and also hope to go to an orphanage for AIDs orphans. I can't wait to share with you all that God does!

He has done great things!
He has done great things!
He has done great things!
He has done great things!

-by Charlie Hall