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Some of you might be aware of the flood situation in Thailand. It’s the worst that it’s been in 50 years. Bangkok sits on a series of canals and rivers; and the water level is breaching the levies. Like I mentioned this weekend, the government is trying to do a slow release of water in order to avoid a disaster like that of NOLA proportions. 
As of today, we have not seen floodwater in our section of Bangkok; however, the subject is on everyone’s lips and in the media everywhere. The Thai government has officially declared Friday and Monday of this weekend national holidays due to the flood. They predict that by this weekend, meter-high water levels (around 3 feet) will be throughout the city (including where we are right now). 
Just today we saw on the news that the water has reached the Grand Palace, where we were two days ago. However, it is located near the river. It is about 20 minutes away in good traffic… so, not that far. We are preparing for the weekend and would appreciate your prayers; but please know this is not a reason to worry. We are staying on the fourth floor of a guesthouse that has enough water to last us for 10 days–and we have plenty of food. 
However, the team that is here now is scheduled to fly out on Saturday and the new team arrives Saturday/Sunday. Please be praying for their travel, as well as any decisions that need to be made about flights. But most of all, please pray for the people this will affect. This afternoon, I was able to pray with a woman on the street, when she told me she was afraid about the flood. The city is braces for it. This is a great opportunity for ministry.
In other news, the trip is going well! I haven’t had the amount of time needed to blog, but we’ve been able to post blogs on the Thailand team blog:
I will continue to update you as news comes!