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It’s been a full and beautiful month. Right now I sit on my couch with suitcases open before me, just hours away from heading to the airport. But I wanted to write before I left, because of the beautiful surprise…

Take a Deep Breath

The sun sets earlier now. I’m sitting outside, waiting for the night to come. Listening to crickets and the wind above the whirring of a nearby air conditioner. Leaves are just beginning to change. My favorite so far are the…

Her Name Means Praise

Less than two weeks ago I walked off the plane in India and smelled the familiar scent of the Delhi airport – the spices I can’t quite name and the promise of an-upside-down world. A huge, stupid grin split my…

The Power of Prayer

On our second day of ministry, our team sat together in the living room of the team house, ready for the day. We began to pray for the day, for the people we would meet, for good reception at the…

A Great Story to Live

So, I had the coolest experience of a lifetime Saturday. A few weeks ago, I heard that my favorite author EVER would be in Clayton, Ga., for a book signing. Living in North Ga. and having to drive half an…

And About The…

Here's one final story from Connie about ministry Thailand/Cambodia, this one of a prayer walk in Cambodia. This story makes me laugh! First, there were the 3 Men Who Walked into a Bar in Thailand.     Then there was…