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Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s been a full and beautiful month.

Right now I sit on my couch with suitcases open before me, just hours away from heading to the airport. But I wanted to write before I left, because of the beautiful surprise that this month became for me, something I didn’t expect – a month of homecoming.

It started on October 7, when I returned to Toccoa Falls College to speak at a chapel for the School of Arts and Humanities. I got there early enough to walk the campus and visit the falls. It was a great time to remember and reflect on life, not only since college, but life there as well. I was asked to speak on how my time at TFC (and in particular, as an English major) helped prepare for me life after college. At first, I wasn’t sure what to say. But the more I thought about it and prayed, I realized the gift I received …. the English major enabled me to view life in through the lens of Story, whether it’s adding receipts or walking the streets of Bangkok. My Bible education gave depth… dimension… to that Story as only faith can. When Ms. Thomas, one of my former English professors, asked me to speak, I was definitely nervous, but honored. It was so great to see her again, and two other professors, Dr. Williams and Dr. Elkins. The three of them greatly impacted me during those two years and I am so thankful I was able to learn from them!

Then came one of the greatest surprises of all- the weekend of October 18-20. My original commitment for the weekend fell through; and alternate plans did as well. At the last minute, I heard about two reunions down in ATL area… and wonder of wonders… I could attend both! Friday and Saturday became a blur, as I attended a reunion at the school I was attended from kindergarten to 8th grade, Community Christian Academy (now Creekside Christian Academy). It was their 40th year anniversary. Being able to go back, to see some teachers and faculty who had such an incredible impact on me as a child, to see former classmates (and meet their children), and to see the place (well, school… not in the same physical location) that gave me a huge foundation in my faith as a child – that’s a priceless gift. As with TFC, it was a great time to remember … and thank God for all that He has done.

(K-5 and 8th grade photos, the 25 is of the school body on the 25th anniversary, which was my 8th grade year. photo on bottom right of new location of Creekside).


And then came Sunday. There was a big surprise reunion at my church, Community Bible Church, (the same church that started the school above) for the music director, Steve Shivers, who had been there for 25 years. He had no idea what was coming. Old choir members from all 25 years were invited back to the 11am service to sing in the choir again and then there was a giant potluck afterwards. As a self-professed choir geek, raised in church choirs, sang in school choirs (and the only white girl in a gospel choir at my first college), ooh, I was excited. Originally I didn’t think I’d sing in service because I didn’t know a few of the songs… but that idea was nixed when friends pulled a friend and I on stage saying it didn’t matter because no one else knew them either. 🙂

When I was a kid, I couldn’t wait to be in the adult choir at CBC. Being able to sing with that choir again and being able to sing with the people I watched as a kid … that was a better than awesome. I don’t even know what that word is! And the being able to see so many of you, to be able to hang out and talk afterwards… what a gift. I left that day so full of joy.

(Photo by Don Camp. I’m not in the photo, but if you click on it, it’ll take you to a video Don took of the choir ending the service with “How Great is Our God”… which I am in. Also, the link in the paragraph above will take you to a video of “I was Glad when They Said Unto Me”, video also by Don Camp).


So yeah… somehow this month I revisited many of the major places/groups of people–many of them were YOU–that influenced me as a person, in life in general, and in my walk with the Lord… and none of that was planned on my end! What a gift! For those of you I was able to see this past month, it was so great to catch up! I feel so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. So thankful for each of you!

I leave tomorrow for Thailand and will return on Nov. 10. Thank you so much to everyone who gave… THANK YOU!. I only have $300 left to meet the cost of the flight and have until Nov. 10 to raise it!

To give financially, you can click “Support Me” on the top left of the screen for an online donation, or send a check to:

Adventures in Missions, INC.
P.O. Box 742570
Atlanta, GA 30374-2570

Please make all checks out to AIM and write “Kristen Torres-Toro” in the Memo line.